Skid's grading scheme (for test questions, assignments, participation)

Grade Description Details
10/10 Outstanding All expectations for the assignment or task have been exceeded.  The work is clearly above the standards set for this level.  Excellent communication abilities are in evidence.  Outstanding effort.
9/10 Excellent All aspects of the task have been completed comprehensively and correctly, and the answer shows clearly that the student has comprehended the material and is able to work with it in an assured and competent fashion.  Style of communication is above average.  Excellent effort.
8/10 Very good The assignment's goals have all been met in a competent fashion.  Minor mistakes may occur, but these do not take away from the generally complete and correct answer.  Style is by and large good.  Very good effort.
7/10 Good The student has understood the expectations of the assignment and met most of these.  While there may be some mistakes that indicate some gaps in knowledge, these are few and outweighed by the generally correct direction of the answer.  Style is correct, but not completely assured.  Good effort.
6/10 Satisfactory The answer indicates that the student has met some of the major expectations of the assignment.  Gaps in knowledge are evident, and there are some flaws in style that disrupt the communication of ideas and answers.  Satisfactory effort.
5/10 Acceptable The student has given a response that indicates familiarity with the basic information, although there will be confusion in the reporting of this information.  Minimal effort.
0/10 Unacceptable The minimal standard for the assignment has not been met.  No effort.


Final percentage grade conversion to letter grades

Percentage Grade Letter Grade
90-100 A+
85-89 A
80-84 A-
77-79 B+
73-76 B
70-72 B-
67-69 C+
63-66 C
60-62 C-
57-59 D+
53-56 D
50-52 D-
42-49 F+
35-41 F
0-34 F-