Sampling bias introduced by differential bone and tooth
preservation, diagenesis, destruction of bone microstructure
by bacteria, postmortem calcite in bone
1992 Jackes, M. and
D. Lubell The Early Neolithic human remains from Gruta do
Caldeirão. In, J. Zilhão (ed.), Gruta do
Caldeirão - O Neolítico Antigo, Trabalhos
de Arqueologia 6, pp. 259-295. Lisboa: Instituto
Português do Património Cultural
erratum: Table 16, page
284: talus medial extension of the superior fact ABSENTlink demonstration of the
scattering of human remains laid in caves - further work is
now being done on this question by an analysis of the human
skeletal collection from the La Garma Cave system,
Cantabria, Spain link
to information on La Garma
1996 Jackes, M. and
D. Lubell Dental pathology and diet: second thoughts. In,
M. Otte (ed.), Nature et Culture: Actes du Colloque
International de Liège, 13-17 decembre 1993.
Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de
L'Université de Liège, no 68, pp.
457-480 Liege
discussion on tooth
preservation and how this may determine the rates of dental
pathology we report: will the real caries rate please
identify itself?
2001 Jackes M., Sherburne R., Lubell D., Barker C.
& Wayman M. Destruction of microstructure in
archaeological bone: a case study from Portugal. International Journal of
Osteoarchaeology 11: 415-432. images of 8,000 year old
bacteria and the changes they caused in bone; discussion of
whether and how we should sample archaeological bone
Below are publications with emphasis on problems of
sample bias, particularly with regard to dental analyses
2009Jackes, M.Teeth and the past in
Portugal: pathology and the Mesolithic-Neolithic
transition.In, T. Koppe,
G. Meyer and K.W. Alt (eds.) Comparative Dental
Morphology, Frontiers of Oral Biology
13: 167-172 (link)
and bias in archaeological
skeletal samples in S.C.
Agarwal and B.A. Glencross
(eds.) Social
Bioarchaeology, 107 –
146. Blackwell Studies in
Global Archaeology.
Wiley-Blackwell. (link)