Jackes M. and
D. Lubell. Capsian Mortuary Practices at Site 12 (Ain
Berriche, Ain Beida region, eastern Algeria).
Presented at UISPP 2006. Full version presented at Society
of Africanist Archaeologists meetings, Toronto, 2012.
link Quaternary
International 2014 320:92-108.
There are errors in Table 2 which have been corrected in a
new paper: Dating and Redating
Aïn Berriche Skeletons 3A-4 and 3A-7 LINK.
paper has also been published (after a two year delay) on
the details of 3A-7 - his trauma and anomalies in a
version submitted by the editor and not proofed by the
authors. The correct version
finally appeared in April 2018.
Papers on Muge site
reconstructions - using everything from satellite images and
old aerial photographs to 135 year old sketches and other
archival resources - have been undertaken in order to
provide a better understanding of the sites for
palaeodemographic and mortuary studies.