Studies of people important to Canada, Canadian history and
Canadian anthropology

- 1977 The Huron
Spine. PhD thesis University of Toronto
patterns of vertebral
trauma and degeneration alter according to morphological
variations in vertebral columns (link
to summary)
- 1983 Osteological
evidence for smallpox: a possible case from seventeenth
century Ontario. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 60: 75-81
the starting point of a
long-established interest in history, ethnohistory and
epidemiology (link)
- 1986 The
mortality of Ontario archaeological populations. Canadian
Journal of Anthropology 5(2): 33-48
a first attempt at
trying to make sense of palaeodemographical
paradoxes (link)
- 1988 The
Osteology of the Grimsby Site. Department of
Anthropology, University of Alberta
a full description of a
people who were caught up in the terrible events of the
1640s, and again in the politics of the 1970s
(14 chapters and 36 plates, plus 3 appendices, work in
association with Gary Tait and Kim Schneider, available on
cd) LINK
- 1994 Birth
rates and bones. In, A. Herring and L. Chan (eds.),
Strength in Diversity: a Reader in Physical
Anthropology Canadian Scholar's Press, Toronto
pp. 155-185
using ethnohistory
to test whether skeletal biologists can make useful
estimates of birth rates (link)
- 1996 Complexity
in seventeenth century southern Ontario burial
practices. In, D. A. Meyer, P. C. Dawson and D.T.
Hanna (eds.), Debating Complexity: Proceedings
of the 26th Annual Chacmool Conference.
Calgary: Archaeological Association, University of
Calgary, pp. 127-140
the Neutral were an
important people to whom less attention is accorded
than they deserve - what can their mortuary practices
tell us about their society? (link to text)
- 2000
Ethnohistory and osteology in southern Ontario. In,
The Entangled Past: Integrating History and
Archaeology. Papers of the 30th Annual
Chacmool Conference Calgary: Archaeological
Association, University of Calgary
using ethnohistory
to show that skeletal biologists have underestimated
longevity (link)
- 2009 The mid seventeenth century collapse of
Iroquoian Ontario: examining the last great burial
place of the Neutral Nation Vers une
anthropologie des catastrophes 9e
Journées Anthropologiques de Valbonne (link)