Queen's Men Editions (QME) is a a series of online, peer-reviewed old- and modern-spelling performance editions of plays performed by the Queen’s Men between 1583 and 1603. The site, published by the University of Victoria’s Internet Shakespeare Editions, provides full scholarly introductions and annotations to each play; historical research on original performance conditions; multimedia records of modern, research-oriented performances of the plays; and teaching resources for undergraduate and graduate students and faculty. A central goal of the series is to explore and extend the unique ways online editions can integrate text, performance, and pedagogy.
Presentations and Publications
Editor, with Dimitry Senyshyn. The True Tragedie of Richard the Third (1594), Old Spelling. <http://qme.internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Foyer/plays.html>.
Editions in Progress
Editor. The True Tragedie of Richard the Third (1594), Modern Spelling.
Editorial Policies in Development
Contributing author. “Queen’s Men Editions: History and Vision.” Queen’s Men Editions, 2010. <http://qme.internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Foyer/about.html>.
Conference Presentations
Single author. “Virtual Collaboration Across Time and Space: Substance and Citation”. Panel paper: The Queen’s Men Online: Visualizing Collaboration. Come Together: Digital Collaboration in the Academy and Beyond. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 11-13 May, 2012.