Phil 211: Papers and Quizzes

You are required to do three papers. See the syllabus for late/absence policies.

Paper 1

The first paper will be a criticism exercise on a passage in the first text. This paper should be 5-7 pages (1200-1800 words) and should consist in two parts 1) an explanation of the passage's main arguments and 2) a discussion of at least one flaw or strength of the argument. You should try to focus on clearly explaining the main points and arguments of the passage. Please read the handout I will provide for information regarding how to write philosophy papers.

Paper 2

The second paper will be of the same form as the first. If possible, choose a topic in epistemology. It may be on a topic not yet covered in class. You may, however, choose a metaphysics topic.

Paper 3

The third paper will be of the same length on any topic covered in the course except that used for the previous papers (other topics are possible, please discuss them with me). Note also that if you have done two papers on metaphysics you should choose an epistemology topic. Feel free to make an appointment with me to discuss your paper or topic.

I would like each student to have a paper topic which I have approved by March 24th.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Last updated Jan 99