Albert - Anonymous painting
Albertus Magnus
Anonymous painting

Credits and thanks

Bruno Tremblay (Philosophy, St.Jerome’s University) is the project's initiator and Director.

Frank Tompa (Computer Science, University of Waterloo) contributed greatly to the development of the software that is at the basis of the Alberti Magni e-corpus search engine. He also supervised the undergraduate student from Computer Science who helped build the first version of the website and of the corpus. He devised and implemented the new marking system in use in the 2013 iteration of the searchable corpus, and made further modifications and improvements to the search engine. He also helped greatly in 2017 and 2018, when time came to incorporate a new group of works into the corpus and when he added a "flexible spelling" function to the engine.

David Porreca (Classical Studies, University of Waterloo) has contributed by helping find undergraduate students from Classical Studies able to work on the transformation of image files of Albert’s works into machine-readable texts, by supervising the work done by some of them, and by transforming some texts himself.

Thérèse Bonin (Philosophy, Duquesne University) kindly sent and let Tremblay use the proofread copy of De natura et origine animae which she had prepared for her own work.

Shadab Rashid is the CS assistant who was involved in the building of the first version of the website and searchable database, under the supervision of Drs. Tompa and Tremblay. The current interface of the website was realized by Tremblay (with some help from Rebecca Thomson, from the UW Arts Computing helpdesk).

Many people have been involved in what is assuredly the most arduous aspect of this project, that is to say turning image files of Latin texts into good-quality, machine-readable texts. The main steps that were required were usually the following: 1) each image file was turned into a text file, using the software OmniPage Pro, and revised in the process; 2) the text file was proofread two more times, so that the text reflects more closely the printed edition; 3) the text of the printed edition was itself partly corrected, usually in light of the Jammy edition. Steps 2 and 3 were in each case performed by Bruno Tremblay (with help from David Porreca for Super II librum Sententiarum and Mineralia, from Thérèse Bonin for De natura et origine animae, and from Caley McCarthy for Super Lucam), whereas different people, for the most part undergraduate students supervised by Tremblay, have contributed to the first proofreading:

First proofreading
First proofreading
Super Porphyrium De V universalibus (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy Metaphysica (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Bruno Tremblay / Caley McCarthy
De praedicamentis (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy De unitate intellectus (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Tatianna Bechal
De sex principiis (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy De XV problematibus (ed. Mandonnet, 1908) Bruno Tremblay
Liber divisionum (ed. de Loë, 1913) Bruno Tremblay De fato (ed. Mandonnet, 1927) Bruno Tremblay
Peri hermeneias (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy / Bruno Tremblay De causis et processu universitatis (ed. Borgnet, 1891) Ellen Bleaney
Analytica priora (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy Super Iob (ed. Weiß, 1904) Tanner Rudnick
Analytica posteriora (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy De muliere forti (ed. Borgnet, 1893) Tanner Rudnick
Topica (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy Super Ieremiam (frag.) (ed. Meersseman, 1932) Bruno Tremblay
De sophisticis elenchis (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Margaret McCarthy Super Ezechielem (frag.) (ed. Heusgen-Ostlender, 1933) Bruno Tremblay
De caelo et mundo (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Mitchell Elvidge Super Threnos (ed. Borgnet, 1893) Bruno Tremblay
De natura loci (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Tatianna Bechal Super Baruch (ed. Borgnet, 1893) Mitchell Elvidge
De causis proprietatum elementorum (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Tatianna Bechal Super Danielem (ed. Borgnet, 1893) Tanner Rudnick / Bruno Tremblay
De generatione et corruptione (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Ellen Bleaney Super prophetas minores (ed. Borgnet, 1892) Mitchell Elvidge
De anima (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Mitchell Elvidge / Tatianna Bechal Super Marcum (ed. Borgnet, 1894) Mitchell Elvidge
Mineralia (ed. Borgnet, 1890) David Porreca Super Lucam (ed. Borgnet, 1894-1895) Mitchell Elvidge / Caley McCarthy
De nutrimento et nutribili (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen Super Iohannem (ed. Borgnet, 1895) Mitchell Elvidge
De sensu et sensato (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen De quiditate et esse (ed. Grabmann, 1942) Bruno Tremblay
De memoria et reminiscentia (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen De IV coaequaevis (ed. Borgnet, 1895) Brenda Lauritzen
De intellectu et intelligibili (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen Super Sententiarum (ed. Borgnet, 1893-1894) Brenda Lauritzen (Lib. I and IV) / David Porreca (Lib. II) / Lillian Wheeler (Lib. III)
De somno et vigilia (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen Summa theologiae (ed. Borgnet, 1894-1895) Lillian Wheeler (Pars I) / Brenda Lauritzen (Pars II)
De spiritu et respiratione (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen Super Dionysii Mysticam theologiam (ed. Borgnet, 1892) Tatianna Bechal
De motibus animalium (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen De mysterio missae (ed. Borgnet, 1899) Tanner Rudnick
De iuventute et senectute (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen De corpore domini (ed. Borgnet, 1899) Mitchell Elvidge / Tanner Rudnick
De morte et vita (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Brenda Lauritzen Determinatio Magistri Alberti de novo spiritu (ed. de Guibert, 1931) Bruno Tremblay
De vegetabilibus (ed. Meyer-Jessen, 1867) Brenda Lauritzen Sermones parisienses (ed. Geyer, 1966) Bruno Tremblay
De animalibus (ed. Stadler, 1916-1920) Brenda Lauritzen Sermo de sancto Martino (ed. Hoßfeld-Nellessen, 1980) Bruno Tremblay
De natura et origine animae (ed. Borgnet, 1890) Thérèse Bonin Sermones de sancto Augustino (Augsburg) (ed. Schneyer, 1969) Bruno Tremblay
De principiis motus processivi (ed. Stadler, 1909) Bruno Tremblay Sermones (Leipzig, UB 683) (ed. Schinagl, 2001) Bruno Tremblay
Ethica (ed. Borgnet, 1891) Margaret McCarthy / Brenda Lauritzen / Aiofe Richmond Epistula de ungelt (ed. Riedler, 1901) Bruno Tremblay
Politica (ed. Borgnet, 1891) Tyler Flatt Testamentum Domini Alberti (ed. Anzulewicz, 2008) Bruno Tremblay

Thank you to Henryk Anzulewicz, the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Frau Nellessen, the Pfarrverbrand Bad Honef, the journal Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale and Elisabeth Schinagl for their generous permission to use recent editions of some of Albert's sermons and of his testament. (If I have failed to identify and obtain permission from a legitimate rights holder, please get in touch with me immediately so I can remedy the situation.) Those more recent and still-covered-by-copyright-laws publications are the following: B. Geyer, Die Universitätspredigten des Albertus Magnus, München: Verlag der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1966 [Sermones parisienses]; P. Hoßfeld and E. Nellessen, Die Predigt des hl. Albertus Magnus zu Honnef, Bad Honnef, 1980 [Sermo de sancto Martino]; J. B. Schneyer, "Alberts des Grossen Augsburger Predigtzyklus über den hl. Augustinus", Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 36 (1969), 100-147 [Sermones de sancto Augustino (Augsburg)]; E. Schinagl, Naturkunde-Exempla in lateinischen Predigtsammlungen des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts, Bern: Peter Lang, 2001 [Sermones (Lepizig, UB 683)]; and H. Anzulewicz, "Das Testament des Albertus Magnus nach der Abschrift des Narcissus Pfister (Clm 4384)", in Rheinisch—Kölnisch—Katholisch. Beiträge zur Kirchen- und Landesgeschichte sowie zur Geschichte des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens der Rheinlande. Festschrift für Heinz Finger zum 60. Geburstag, ed. S. Schmidt, Köln: 2008, 163-180 [Testamentum Domini Alberti].

Université Laval and the University of Saskatchewan provided the hard copies of the Borgnet volumes that were scanned for this project. Most of the scanning was done by Graphics, from the University of Waterloo.

Many years ago, Albert Pinto patiently scanned each page of the Jammy edition, and he generously allowed for them to be posted on this website. Mr. Pinto’s thousands of files were organized, formatted and turned into 21 .pdfs by Bruno Tremblay.

The library of Stanford University created the .pdfs of De animalibus and De vegetabilibus that can be downloaded from the present website.

Rega Wood and the libraries of Stanford University and the University of San Diego made available the .pdf of de Loë’s edition of Liber divisionum that can be downloaded from the present website.

Pictures and images were obtained from the website of Europeana, whose terms of use can be found here.

Thank you to Henryk Anzulewiscz, David Twetten, Thérèse Bonin, and Burkhard Mojsisch for their encouragements and good counsel.

Financial support, without which the Alberti Magni e-corpus would not exist, has come from St.Jerome’s University, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Ontario Research Fund (ORF), the University of Waterloo, and Stanley Cunningham. The University of Waterloo also provides and maintains the server on which the Alberti Magni e-corpus is hosted.

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