German Grammar on the Web
The chart below contains reference and exercise pages on a variety of German grammar points.  This list was put together by Archana Hinduja for the interactive German textbook Litfaßsäule (Archana Hinduja and James M. Skidmore).
Adjektive und Adverbien / Adjektivendungen / Demonstrativpronomen / das Futur / der Imperativ / Indefinitpronomen / der Infinitiv / Interrogativpronomen / Kasus / Konjunktionen / der Konjunktiv / Modalverben / Nomen / das Passiv / das Perfekt / Personalpronomen / Possessivpronomen / Präpositionen / Präpositionen mit dem Akkusativ / Präpositionen mit dem Dativ / Präpositionen mit dem Genitiv / das Präsens / das Präteritum / Reflexivpronomen / Refelxivverben / Relativpronomen / Trennbare Verben / Verben / Wechselpräpositionen / Wortstellung
Topic Reference Materials Exercises
Personalpronomen / Personal Pronouns

Die Pronomen

Declension of Personal Pronouns



Personal Pronouns in the Nominative and
Accusative Case

Reflexivpronomen / Reflexive Pronouns


Internet Handbook of German Grammar: Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns - Function

Pronouns and Use

Relativpronomen / Relative Pronouns


Internet Handbook of German Grammar: Interrogative and Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns - Function

Relative Pronouns - Form

Relative Pronouns - Wo-Compounds

Relative Pronouns - Review & Exercise

Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns - Function

Relative pronouns - Form

Relative Pronouns - Wo-Compounds


Possessivpronomen / Posssessive Pronouns


Possessive Articles

Internet Handbook of German Grammar: Possessive Pronouns


Possessive & Relative Pronouns

Possessive Articles - Review & Exercise

Interrogativpronomen / Interrogative Pronouns

Internet Handbook of German Grammar: Interrogative and Relative Pronouns

Interrogative Pronouns

Indefinitpronomen / Indefinite Pronouns Indefinitpronomen

Internet Handbook of German Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns
Demonstrativpronomen / Demonstrative pronouns


Internet Handbook of German Grammar: Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns
Präpositionen / Prepositions

Introduction to Prepositions



Da- and Wo- compounds

Prepositions - Review & Exercise

Da/Wo-Compounds - Review & Exercise

Präpositionen mit dem Akkusativ / Accusative Prepositions

Prepositions Taking the Accusative

Accusative Prepositions

Accusative Prepositions

Accusative Case Prepositions

Präpositionen mit dem Dativ / Dative Prepositions

Prepositions Taking the Dative

Dative Prepositions

Dative Prepositions
Wechselpräpositionen / Two-Way prepositions

Two-way Prepositions

Prepositions taking Accusative and Dative

Accusative/Dative Prepositions

Accusative-Dative Prepositions 1

Accusative-Dative Prepositions 2

Wechselpräpositionen. Dativ oder Akkusativ? -
Das ist die Frage!

Präpositionen mit dem Genitiv / Genitive Prepositions

Prepositions taking the Genitive

Genitive Prepositions

Genitive Prepositions

Präpositionen mit Genitiv

Kasus / Case

German Grammar - Case Endings

Noun Case

Nominative Case - Functions

Accusative Case -Functions

Dative Case - Functions

Genitive Case - Functions


Der Genitiv


Verb & Case

Dative Case - Review & Exercise

Welcher Kasus ist das?

Multiple Choice Exercise



Nominative Case - Functions

Nominative Case - Forms

Accusative Case - Functions

Accusative Case - Forms

Dative Case - Functions

Dative Case - Forms

Genitive Case - Functions

Genitive Case - Forms

Adjektive und Adverbien / Adjectives & Adverbs

Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives to describe people and things


Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

Special adjective and adverb expressions

Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjective Declinations

Adverben - Review & Exercise

Comparative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

Superlative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs 1

Superlative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs 2

Superlative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs 3

Special Adjective and Adverb Expressions 1

Special Adjective and Adverb Expressions 2

Adjektivendungen / Adjective Endings

Endings on Adjectives

Endings on Adjectives

Deklination von Adjektiven

Significant (strong) endings

Non-significant (weak) endings

Endings on Adjectives

Significant (Strong) Endings 1

Significant (Strong) Endings 2

Non-significant (Weak) Endings 1

Non-significant (Weak) Endings 2

Adjectivendungen: Die Katze, Der Hund,

Nomen / Nouns


Formenlehre bei Nomen


Article Declension

Deklination von Nomen

Use of Articles

Der-word noun modifiers

Deklination des Bestimmten Artikels

Ein-word noun modifiers

Deklination des Unbestimmten Artikels

Plurals of nouns


Noun Gender Exercise

Noun Plurals, Declensions, Gender

Definite Articles

Plurals of Nouns

Modalverben / Modal Verbs

Modal Auxiliary Verbs - Functions

Hilfs- und Modalverben

Modal Verbs in German

Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Modal Verbs - Review & Exercise

Modal Verbs

Trennbare Verben / Separable Prefix Verbs

Verbs with Separable Prefixes

Verbs with Separable Prefixes

Separable Prefixes in German

Verben / Verbs


Verb Definitions and Basic Conjugations

Konjugationsregeln - Verb Inflection Rules

Konjugation von Hilfsverben

Konjugation von Schwachen Verben

Konjugation von Starken Verben

Regular Verbs

Verbs with Stem Vowel Changes

Principle Parts of Irregular Verbs



Sein - to be - Exercise

Verb Forms


Das Präsens


The Present Tense

The Infinitive and the Present Tense

Das Verbum auf Deutsch - Das Präsens - the present tense

Verbs, Presnt Tense

Das Präsens - The Present Tense

The Present Tense (by Sarah Kirby)

Das Präsens - The Present Tense in German

The present tense of 'sein'

Das Präsens - Teh Present Tense in German

Grammatik zum Selbstlernen (and then choose Verb im Aktiv from the menu in the left column)
Das Perfekt

Perfect Past Tense

Compound Past Tense

Present Perfect- Review & Exercise

Present Perfect 2 - Review & Exercise

Das Präteritum / The Simple Past

Simple Past

Das Futur / Future Tense

Future Tense

Future Perfect Tense

Future - Review & Exercise
Imperativ / Imperative Command Forms

The Command Form

The du Command Form

The ihr Command

The Sie command

Reflexivverben / Reflexive Verbs Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive Verbs - Review & Exercise

Das Passiv / The Passive

A Simple reference guide to the passive tense in German

Aktiv - Passiv

Functions of the Passive Voice

The Impersonal Passive

Substitutes for the passive

The man construction

Reflexive Constructions

The sich lassen construction

The sein...zu + infinitive construction

Passive Exercise

Passive to Active Exercise

Passive Review & Exercise


Der Konjunktiv / Subjunctive

Subjunctives and Indirect Speech

The Subjunctive: Konjunktiv I

Indirekte Rede

The Subjunctives: Konjunktiv II

Indikativ - Konjunktiv

The General Subjunctive

Present Time Subjunctive - Regular Verbs

Past time Subjunctive

The Conditional with würde

The Special Subjunctive - Functions

Subjunctive I& II

Indirect Speech

Wortstellung / Word Order

Wortstellung - Word Order - In German Sentences

Wortstellung - Word Order - In German Sentences: Inversions and Complications

Fragen auf Deutsch - Questions in German - Syntax specific Answer Questions

Fragen auf Deutsch - Questions in German - Syntax: Yes / No Questions






Negation with nicht

Negation with kein

Dependant Clauses

Direct and Indirect Objects of Verbs

Time-Manner-Place Expressions

Infinitive Phrases with zu

Word Order

Word Order

Word Order

Word Order- Review & Exercise

Sentence Ordering Exercise

Der Infinitiv / Infinitives Verb Parts - the Infinitive

Infinitives and The Present Tense
Konjunktionen / Conjunctions


Co-ordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions


Conjunctions - Review & Exercise
