
Write an article (4500-6500 words maximum) for the journal Global Social Policy.

While students are invited to write on any topic relevant to the journal, students without a particular pre-existing interest are encouraged to develop topics considering the central sub-theme of the course -- the degree to which social policy within individual Northern countries is effected by social governance issues elsewhere and/or has impacts on social governance issues elsewhere.

Due Dates:

Paper Proposal -- Friday, February 13th 5:00 pm. Proposals do not receive a grade; however, they must be completed in appropriate fashion on time in order for the students to retain the ability to complete the major research paper. [Proposals can be dropped in the drop box on the course ACE website and do not have to be submitted in hard copy.]

Major Research Paper -- Due Friday, April 10th 5:00 pm.

Students are required to both submit an electronic version of the project on ACE (by the due date/time) as well as provide the instructor with a hard copy of the assignment (which can be dropped in the Political Science Essay Drop Box (across the hall from HH311.)  The electronic submission of the paper will be used to determine whether the paper was submitted on time and/or length of late period.  Late papers will be penalized 5% per day or part thereof.


1. Scan the topics covered by various articles in the journal Global Social Policy from its inception to the current issue.

2. Skim through the Global Social Policy Digest section of the journal Global Social Policy which outlines the various initiatives and activities relating to global social policy currently being undertaken.

3. Examine additional sources from class reading materials.

4. Put together a bibliography of materials relevant to your chosen topic area.

5. Think about the various themes raised in the course and how they fit with your chosen topic area.

6. Discuss the topic with the course instructor!


Global Social Policy


Social Policy and Administration.

International Journal of Social Welfare.

Social Policy and Society.

International Labour Review.

Social Politics.

International Migration.

Global Society.

Global Governance

Global Networks

Additional Sources:

Comparative Political Studies

European Journal of Political Research

Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis

Journal of European Public Policy

Journal of European Social Policy

Journal of Public Policy

Journal of Social Policy

Social Policy and Society

West European Politics

*all of the above journals are available online through the UW library.