Students may prepare up to five reaction papers relating to the readings for the given session -- each worth 10% of the final course grade. Reaction papers should provide a brief discussion (approx. 1000 but maximum 1500 words) of the readings.

Reaction papers should strive to achieve the following:
1.) identify the linkages between the readings for the week (including agreement/tensions among them as well as implications each might have for the others),
2.) place the readings in the broader context of the themes of previous readings and class discussions to date, and
3.) provide a reaction to the readings taken as a whole. In regard to the latter, the papers may raise questions, make commentary, and agree or disagree with various readings; however, they should not summarize the readings. Reaction paper need to develop a central thesis that relateds to the broad themes addressed during the week of the readings being discussed.

Please note that the reaction papers are not research papers and do not require that students consult any outside sources. Students may, however, consult the additional reading materials outlined in the syllabus.

Please note that reactions papers are due at the beginning of the relevant class meeting. Late papers will not be accepted under any circumstances. If the paper is not submitted before the beginning of class, the only recourse for the student is to complete another paper.

Students wishing to start the reaction papers more than a week in advance should consult the instructor as to whether the readings for that week are finalized. (The instructor reserves the right to add, delete or subsitute readings up to a week prior to the given session. Students will be notified via ACE of any changes to the reading list.)